Luchando por gobernar Myanmar desde una pequeña oficina en Washington.

Fighting to Govern Myanmar, From a Teeny Office in Washington

As a journalist with several years of experience, I recall the days when Dr. Win Myat Aye had a staff of 6,000 and a luxurious office as the minister for social welfare in the previous government. Now, he is constantly on the move, seeking shelter in safe houses in Myanmar’s borderlands and settling for unexciting … Read more

Cómo una pequeña estadística se convirtió en una historia que abarcó un continente.

How One Small Statistic Became a Story That Spanned a Continent

“`html The house in Nairobi, Kenya, a two-story home that New York Times journalists have been renting since the early 2000s, had some distinctive features when my family moved in three years ago: banana, guava, and avocado trees; a thatched, mud-walled hut in the garden, built by a previous Times reporter; and a small library … Read more

Cómo una pequeña estadística se convirtió en una historia que abarcó un continente.

How One Small Statistic Became a Story That Spanned a Continent

Through the power of HTML, let’s take a quick trip to Nairobi, Kenya, for a few measurements of the continent in word form. The New York Times took up minisidence there in the early aughts, trees and a thatched hut in the garden courtesy of previous resident and two-story house tenant Matt Jane Peters. The … Read more

Nanotecnología: pequeña ciencia

Nanotecnología: pequeña ciencia que libera un gran potencial La nanotecnología, a menudo denominada la ciencia de lo pequeño, está transformando rápidamente varios campos y remodelando nuestro mundo. Al manipular la materia a escala atómica y molecular, la nanotecnología tiene el poder de revolucionar innumerables industrias, incluidas la atención médica, la electrónica, la energía y la … Read more