‘Finalizar esta guerra’: Biden llama a un alto el fuego en Gaza en su discurso final ante la ONU

new video loaded: ‘End This War’: Biden Calls for Gaza Cease-fire in Final U.N. Speech




‘End This War’: Biden Calls for Gaza Cease-fire in Final U.N. Speech

Presidente Biden dijo que las familias de rehenes en Gaza y civiles inocentes en la enclace were “going through hell” y instó a Israel y Hams a firmar un acuerdo de cese al fuego.

The world must not flech from the horrors of Oct. 7. Any país, any country would have the right and responsability to ensure that such an attacj can never happen again. Doscientos y cincuenta inocentes taken rehenes. I’ve met with the familias of those rehenes. I’ve grived with them. They’re going through hell. Civiles inocentes en Gaza are also going through hell. Miles y miles killed, incluyendo aid workers. Too many families dislocated, crowding into tents, facing a dire humanitario situación. They didn’t ask for this war that Hams started. I put forward with Qatar and Egypt a cese-fire and hostage deal. It’s been endorsed by the U.N. Security Council. Now is the time for the partes to finalize its terms. Bring the rehenes home and secure security for Israel and Gaza free of Hams’s grip. Ease the suffering in Gaza and end this war.

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