Estudiantes aceptan el desafío benéfico de ‘Un Millón de Pasos’

St Monica’s RC Primary School took on the Sam Thompson One Million Steps Schools Challenge on May 2nd.

Thompson, of Hits Radio and I’m a Celebrity fame, challenged schools across the country to contribute towards a target of one million steps, a target which was topped when more than 11,600,000 were taken on the day.

Of these more than 400,000 were taken by the primary school’s staff and students on a superhero-themed day attended by Hits Radio DJ Hattie Pearson and firefighters from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service.

Kelly Slater, who is a teacher at St Monica’s, said: “The children had a brilliant day. We are so proud of their efforts to raise funds for disadvantaged children across the UK, whilst also having a great time keeping active.”

In total they raised more than £1,000 towards the fight against holiday hunger through Bauer Media’s charity Cash for Kids.

To contribute go to 

Este artículo fue escrito por Jack Tooth. Para contactarlo, envíele un correo electrónico a [email protected] o sígalo en Twitter en @JTRTooth.

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