¿Es David Cameron miembro del Parlamento?


One feature that sets the British political system apart is that members of the government are required to have a seat in Parliament to propose laws and be held accountable by their fellow legislators.

But another interesting aspect is that the government can create a seat in Parliament out of thin air by appointing a new minister to a lifetime position in the less powerful, unelected House of Lords when necessary.

This is precisely what Downing Street has announced will happen with David Cameron, who resigned from Parliament, as well as from the position of Prime Minister, after the 2016 Brexit referendum.

This maneuver allows for Mr. Cameron to return to the government without the need for a new election.

This is not the first time in modern history that a member of the House of Lords, rather than the House of Commons, has held the position of Foreign Secretary. In such cases, a House of Lords seat can be given to an expert in order to place them in a position of power. For example, in 2005, a House of Lords seat was given to a key advisor in the Labour government to become a minister in the education department, implementing an education plan.

This move can also result in the return of a political figure whose career seemed to be over, as was the case with Peter Mandelson, who was appointed to the Lords in 2008 to join the cabinet of then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Mr. Mandelson had previously quit Parliament to take up a post as a European Union official.

While such situations are not unique, having Mr. Cameron in the House of Lords could cause tension among lawmakers in the House of Commons as he would speak directly to the unelected members of the upper chamber rather than to them.

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Although Mr. Cameron’s return to a top political post surprised Westminster, it might not have been such a big surprise in previous eras. Since the 18th century, 14 Prime Ministers have returned to serve in governments led by others. However, such moves have been rare in recent decades, with the last former Prime Minister to return to the cabinet being Alec Douglas-Home, who served as Foreign Secretary from 1970 to 1974.
