Bloqueo polaco en la frontera ucraniana provoca largas filas en los puntos de control en Eslovaquia y Hungría.

Around 3,900 trucks are stuck in lengthy queues at the Ukrainian-Polish border, with 1,700 of them stuck at the Yagodin border checkpoint as of the morning of Dec. 2, reported Andriy Demchenko, spokesperson for Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service.

“The blockade persists,” Demchenko said, revealing that the Yagodin crossing point had a brief reprieve but was re-blocked on Dec. 18. Currently, four crucial crossing points—Yagodin, Rava-Ruska, Krakovets, and Shehyni—are once again inaccessible.

Read also: Border blockades continue as thousands of trucks queue at Ukrainian checkpoints, border guards report

Most of the stranded trucks are concentrated at the Yagodin checkpoint.

“While there is some movement in all four directions, it’s significantly slower than before the blockade began,” Demchenko said.

The Yagodin-Dorohusk checkpoint, the largest and most vital border crossing between Ukraine and Poland, saw minimal activity, with only about 170 trucks crossing the border in both directions over the day.

Read also: Polish farmers join border blockade in Dorohusk

Other border checkpoints in Hungary and Slovakia continue to functioning normally, Demchenko added.

“Apart from these four directions on the Polish border, everything operates normally, and traffic flows smoothly,” he stated.

However, he admitted that queues had formed at border crossings in those countries due to the blockade.

“At the Uzhgorod crossing point on the Slovakian border, there are nearly 400 freight vehicles in queues as of the morning,” he said.

“Heading towards the Tisa crossing point on the Hungarian border, we have over 700 trucks. Additionally, queues at the Romanian border, particularly at the Porubne crossing point, have increased. In the morning, there are 900 freight vehicles awaiting border crossing. While traffic is moving, queues are inevitable.”

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