Hospitales de Gaza al borde del colapso mientras la lucha continúa cerca.

Gaza Hospitals Near Collapse as Fighting Rages Nearby

The hospital in Gaza has been hit by dire circumstances, with patients dying as a result of power outages. Without fuel for generators, surgeries have stopped, kidney dialysis has ceased, and the neonatal unit is facing severe challenges. Israeli tanks and troops have surrounded hospitals in the territory, while the Israeli military has accused Hamas … Read more

Hospitales de Gaza al borde del colapso mientras la lucha continua cerca.

Gaza Hospitals Near Collapse as Fighting Rages Nearby

The Gaza Health Ministry confirmed that at least five patients died in a hospital on Saturday due to power outages. Among the victims was a premature baby in an incubator, unable to survive without electricity. The hospital has been forced to operate in darkness after running out of fuel for its generators, according to the … Read more

Pueblo en Islandia evacuado por miedo a erupción volcánica

Town in Iceland Evacuated Amid Fears of Volcanic Eruption

Icelandic Town Evacuated as Volcano Rumbles Las autoridades islandesas declaran estado de emergencia y evacuan una ciudad después del aumento de actividad volcánica Las autoridades islandesas declararon un estado de emergencia y evacuaron una ciudad de aproximadamente 4.000 habitantes el sábado, después de detectar cientos de terremotos durante la noche, lo que indica una mayor … Read more

Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Moldavia agradece a Ucrania por ayudar a evacuar a ciudadanos moldavos de Gaza.

Moldova's Foreign Minister thanks Ukraine for help evacuating Moldovan citizens from Gaza

El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Moldavia, Nicu Popescu, agradeció a Ucrania por ayudar a evacuar a nueve ciudadanos moldavos de la Franja de Gaza. Fuente: Nicu Popescu en Twitter (X), según informó European Pravda Cita: “9 ciudadanos más de Moldavia han sido evacuados con éxito de Gaza y llegaron hoy a Chișinău. Muchas gracias … Read more

Irán y Arabia Saudita exigen alto el fuego en Gaza

Iran and Saudi Arabia, regional rivals, call for Gaza cease-fire at summit.

Saudi and Iranian leaders met for a bilateral meeting After the Saudi and Iranian leaders finished their speeches, they left the main conference hall for a bilateral meeting. Prince Mohammed’s welcoming of Mr. Raisi amounted to a remarkable departure for the Saudi leader, who once bluntly warned Iran not to pursue expansionist policies in the … Read more

Nova Poshta planea una continuada expansión agresiva para conectar a los refugiados ucranianos con sus seres queridos.

Nova Poshta

El principal servicio postal de Ucrania ha hecho una prioridad conectar a los refugiados ucranianos que viven en el extranjero con amigos y familiares en casa, y planea continuar su ambicioso crecimiento hasta 2024. El cofundador de Nova Poshta, Volodymyr Popereshnyuk, ha revelado el cronograma para la apertura de nuevas sucursales en países europeos en … Read more

Irán y Arabia Saudita piden un alto el fuego en Gaza en la cumbre.

Iran and Saudi Arabia, regional rivals, call for Gaza cease-fire at summit.

Leaders of Iran and Saudi Arabia, long-standing regional rivals, recently met in Riyadh. The summit, held in March, saw the restoration of diplomatic ties after years of hostility. This past weekend’s gathering was notable for the call to cease hostilities in Gaza, and to ensure the unconditional delivery of humanitarian aid to the besieged territory, … Read more

El presidente de Irán visita Arabia Saudita por primera vez desde que ambos países restauraron sus lazos.

Iran’s president visits Saudi Arabia for the first time since the two mended ties.

President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran arrived in Saudi Arabia on Saturday for a summit on the war in Gaza, marking his first visit since the regional rivals agreed at the beginning of the year to restore diplomatic ties following years of animosity. Saudi Arabia had initially planned for two summits over the weekend, one for … Read more

Irán y Arabia Saudita, rivales regionales, llaman a un alto el fuego en Gaza durante la cumbre.

Iran and Saudi Arabia, regional rivals, call for Gaza cease-fire at summit.

< !DOCTYPE html> Document Los líderes de Irán y Arabia Saudita se reúnen en Riyadh Las tensiones entre los líderes que habían restaurado los lazos diplomáticos en marzo tras años de hostilidad, se reunieron en Riyadh el sábado en una cumbre donde pidieron un alto el fuego inmediato en Gaza y la entrega incondicional de … Read more

Salvando al mono dorado de Brasil, un corredor verde a la vez

Saving Brazil's golden monkey, one green corridor at a time

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — During the past week, dozens of young people spent several hours planting tree seedlings under the hot sun in the rural interior of Rio de Janeiro to create a green corridor. This corridor aims to become a safe passageway for the golden lion tamarin, an emblematic and endangered species. The … Read more